Life can be better at 52 when there is an eye opener

By Istafanos Hyelafiya - SALT Nigeria staff member

Joseph Jila and several of his employees work at shelling groundnuts

With God all things are possible, with SALT success could be easily achieved even at age 52.

Joseph Jilah is one of the clients from Salama Association group in Kwarhi, Adamawa State Nigeria. 52 years old and married with 5 children, Mr. Joseph on one of the discipleship visitations, confessed to SALT staff and said “SALT Nigeria savings program has opened my eyes both spiritually and in business as well. This program has also helped build strong unity among the people in my community. When the SALT program was introduced last year, my business was almost to collapse. But after I joined this program, I was able to get a loan and fixed my threshing machine. I also was able to make some savings before the end of the first cycle after I had successfully paid my loan.” Joseph is becoming one of the successful businessmen in the area, he has three full staff and several more part-time workers. He owns a machine that shells groundnuts (peanuts). According to Joseph, he earns 20,000 Naira every day and this is because on a good day following harvest he is shelling 100 or more bags every day and he charges 200 Naira each bag. He begins early in the morning and has left over work from yesterday as seen in the picture to begin his day with.

What a unity in SALT Nigeria programs, my spiritual life is growing, my family is happy all glory be to God.
— Joseph Jila

He said another thing that benefits him from this program which is a unique benefit of SALT. “The members of my savings group are also my customers. “What a unity in SALT Nigeria programs, my spiritual life is growing, my family is happy all glory be to God.” By saying his group members are his customers, Joseph is simply saying that 80% of his customers are also SALT clients he connected with through this program and now they patronize him more than ever.

“When there is an eye-opener, life is easier. Thank you SALT Nigeria” says Joseph Jilah.


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