Living Hope Vocational School


Orphaned and disadvantaged youth are trained and equipped to be an asset to Nigerian society as they acquire a skill set and solid Biblical training in our school.

Vocational Classes Offered

LHVS classes meet a need in the lives of these youth by providing parental type love and guidance that is necessary to help them become good and responsible youth now and Godly citizens in their home community tomorrow.


This class teaches the art of furniture making and assists the primarily male students in learning the craft of woodworking in the Nigerian environment. The growing population creates demand for furniture.


Many if not most of Nigerian clothing is made by skilled tailors. Dresses, shirts, skirts and other items are carefully made for a variety of clients. Students learn how to be an effective and quality tailor.


Handbags, cases, travel bags and many other types are designed and made by our students as they learn to practice this thriving trade in Nigeria. Our students learn to design and take special orders for production.

Shoemaking and Repair

A well-trained shoemaker is on the path to success as the market for hand-made shoes is growing. Mass produced shoes that westerners enjoy are not the norm in Nigeria and shoe repair is a needed service on the streets and in the villages.


The Results

View Living Hope Gallery:    HERE

Youth are taught basic business principles such as caring for customers, record keeping, marketing strategies and foundational financial principles to assist them in effectively operating a small business and properly managing their money in an impoverished world.

“Students are trained to be craftsmen in their respective trade of study”

— Shoes made by student

“As we learn a trade, truth is also taught that helps us understand the Bible.”

—Bagmaking students show off the bags they have made

Biblical life lessons are taught in every class, they are learned as the students work at their respective trade in the school and through guidance from their teachers. Our goal is to give them an armor of defense for facing temptation with these real-life examples of Godly values.



Living Hope Vocational School